
新原 2023-12-04 0


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My English Learning Journey and Reflections

As a non-native English speaker, learning English has been a long and challenging journey for me. However, with persistence and dedication, I have made significant progress in my language skills over the years. In this article, I will share my experiences and reflections on my English learning journey.

My Early Years of English Learning

I was first introduced to English in primary school, where we had basic English classes as part of our curriculum. At that time, I found English to be fun and exciting, and I enjoyed learning new words and phrases. However, as I progressed to secondary school, I realized that my English skills were not up to par with my peers, and I struggled to keep up with the lessons.

My Turning Point


It was not until I entered university that I realized the importance of English proficiency. As an international student, I was required to take the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) exam to demonstrate my language proficiency. I was shocked to learn that my score was not high enough to meet the requirements of some of the universities I was interested in.

This was a turning point for me. I realized that I needed to work harder on my English skills if I wanted to achieve my academic and career goals. I began to take English classes more seriously, and I also started to read English books, watch English movies, and listen to English songs to improve my language skills.

Challenges and Strategies

Learning English was not easy, and I faced many challenges along the way. One of the biggest challenges was speaking English fluently. I found it difficult to express my ideas clearly and confidently in English, especially in group discussions or presentations.

To overcome this challenge, I joined a language exchange program and practiced speaking English with native speakers. I also recorded myself speaking and listened to the recordings to identify areas for improvement. Additionally, I read aloud and practiced pronunciation using tongue twisters and other exercises.

Another challenge I faced was understanding English grammar and sentence structure. I found it difficult to differentiate between verb tenses and to use prepositions correctly.

To overcome this challenge, I studied English grammar books and took online grammar quizzes. I also practiced writing sentences and paragraphs, and I asked my teachers and peers to review my writing and provide feedback.

Reflections and Lessons Learned

Looking back on my English learning journey, I realize that it was not just about learning a language. It was also about developing my communication skills, building my confidence, and broadening my horizons.

Through learning English, I have been able to connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds, and I have gained a deeper appreciation for diversity and inclusion. I have also been able to access a wider range of information and resources, which has helped me in my academic and professional pursuits.

Moreover, I have learned the importance of perseverance, dedication, and self-motivation in achieving my goals. Learning a language is not a one-time event, but a lifelong process that requires continuous effort and practice.


In conclusion, my English learning journey has been a challenging but rewarding experience. Through hard work and dedication, I have been able to improve my language skills and broaden my horizons. I hope that my experiences and reflections can inspire others who are also on their language learning journey to persevere and never give up.




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